IRLA Pack: Movie Watching

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IRLA Pack: Movie Watching


Sit down, turn off the lights, and take our movie watching challenge for your IRLAs

You like movies.

You love movies.

You want to see more movies.

Part of any movie challenge is putting the time aside to watch films, but the greatest challenge may be, well, what are you supposed to watch? A century of motion pictures is a lot of stories at 90-120 minutes each, give or take — and that’s not counting films made outside the U.S. and/or films shot in a language other than English. They can’t all be masterpieces, right?

The best movie watching challenges push you to explore, to discover something unusual, to watch what you might not have chosen for yourself but which changes your life all the same. From horror movie challenges to Disney movie challenges, your movie marathon should engage you with the best films and drive you to hone your tastes even sharper. Life’s too short to watch bad movies.

Become a more frequent moviegoer and a more critical movie watcher. Our IRLA Movie Watching challenge medals are your personal film school!

What are IRLA challenge medals?

 Our line of In Real Life Achievement awards, or IRLAs, lets you set goals in a variety of interests and reward yourself for milestones on your way to total mastery. IRLA challenge medals are visual reminders of the challenges you’ve faced and defeated in your quest to be the best version of you that you can be.

See all our IRLA challenge medals.

What movie challenges must I complete?

Movie challenges should be fun, but they also should push you outside your comfort zone. Your goal is to make watching movies a bigger part of your daily life.

  • Watch 1 film from 1950 or earlier
  • With friends, watch 1 film widely considered to be “so bad it’s good”
  • Watch 1 foreign film, requiring subtitles
  • Watch 3 Academy Award for Best Picture-winning films
  • Choose a director and watch their entire filmography

Can I make my own movie watching challenges?

IRLA challenge medals are for everyone! If you’re already quite the versatile cinephile, try this:

  • Instead of watching one film from 1950 or earlier, choose one for each decade.
  • Watch five films in languages other than English. (Okay, silent movies count!)
  • Watch all five (or more) Best Picture nominees from one year. Watch five Best Picture winners from five years in a row. Watch five Best Pictures from five different decades.
  • Make your movie watching challenges “all horror” or “all Disney.”

You set your own goals. We help you achieve them.

Are there more IRLA challenge medals for art and entertainment?

We’ve got more than our IRLA Reading challenge medal to build your mind. See why the pen is indeed mightier than the sword with IRLA Drawing and our drawing challenges. Our IRLA challenge medals make fantastic gifts for adulting, to break grownups out of their routines by encouraging them to try something new that they might not try on their own.

Are there IRLA challenge medals for physical fitness?

Our IRLA Running challenge medals put you on track to run farther, faster, with more endurance, for better performance in virtual races and virtual runs. Our strength challenges in weightlifting in IRLA Strength Training are terrific for bodybuilders using strength training to gain weight. IRLA Hydration challenges you to drink more water, ending in a 30-day water drinking challenge that will help you develop habits to stay healthy for life. And IRLA Weight Loss gives you the motivation you need to take on your weight loss challenge and take off unwanted pounds.

Health and fitness are your responsibility as an adult. IRLA challenge medals make great gifts for the adulting life, when friends and family need that extra oomph to get off the couch and get back in the swing of things.

Can IRLA challenge medals make me a better game player?

Run through dungeons and haunted asylums for tabletop game challenges in IRLA Tabletop Games. Prefer the zombie apocalypse or webslinging superheroes? Play our video game challenges for IRLA Video Games medals.

Will IRLA challenge medals help me with motivation?

Need motivation to get out and do something? IRLA Get Out There challenges you to make connections, like starting a conversation with a stranger or taking a class. IRLA Better Your Community rewards you for your contributions to your community, like shopping locally and donating blood. (It makes a great adulting gift, too!) IRLA Unplugged challenges you to a digital detox by putting down your mobile devices and baking sweets, reading a good book, or going for a hike. IRLA Treat Yo Self issues your self-care challenge with rewards like new clothes, massages, and more.

Do IRLA challenge medals make great gifts for adulting?

Why is adulting so hard? Complete mundane tasks with IRLA Adulting, like filing your taxes. IRLA Early Achievers recognizes the challenge of doing things you haven’t done before, like reading multiple books or performing acts of kindness. IRLA Millennial Life makes a terrific gift for adults learning technology like social media and apps.

How do I start my IRLA challenges?

When you accept our IRLA challenges, you receive a box of four minor challenges and the last major challenge for the complete set. Use your phone to scan your Introductory IRLA and get our IRLA app, where you can track your progress and compare your goals with a like-minded community. Open each IRLA as you complete your challenges!

How can I show off my IRLA challenge medals?

You can show off your IRLA Reading challenge medal in its own stand, use multiple stands to display all the minor running challenges leading up to it, wear your challenge medal in a necklace, and wear any (or all!) of your minor challenge medals, too.

How many IRLA challenge medals are there?

What do you want to experience, achieve, track, or improve? Choose your challenge awards!

Diet and Exercise

Hydration — Drink more water to meet different water challenges and stay hydrated.

Running — Run farther. Run faster.

Strength Training — Lift more to develop your muscles and stay flexible.

Weight Loss — Get awards for sticking to your regimen and losing weight.


Tabletop Gaming — Let’s play!

Tabletop Gaming (Travel) — Let’s play on the road!

Video Gaming — Let’s play with a screen and headphones!

Art and Entertainment

Drawing — Master these drawing challenges to develop your artistic side.

Movie Watching — Watch a movie. Watch lots of movies.

Reading — Read a book. Read lots of books.

Gifts for Adulting

Adulting — You’re all grown up. Congratulations. Get an award for all the dumb grown-up stuff you have to do now, like filing your taxes and setting up a 401(K).

Early Achievers — You’re growing up and you’re doing it right. Do a kindness for someone, ride a rollercoaster, go to the dentist, and more.

Millennial Life — You are the future. Get 100 Likes on social media, use a rideshare app, and more.


Better Your Community — Do nice things for your neighbors and neighborhood. Bag some trash, donate blood, shop at a local small business, and more.

Get Out There — Go outside and explore your world. Take a class. Go somewhere you’ve never been before. Start a conversation with a complete stranger.

Treat Yo Self — It’s our self-care challenge (inspired by Tom and Donna from Parks and Recreation). Get a massage. Buy new clothes. (And more!)

Unplugged — Start your digital detox by hiking with friends, baking bread, reading, and more.

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IRLA Pack: Movie Watching

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